Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What's Your Passion?

I'm taking an entrepreneurship class this semester. I signed up for it because it's a required elective not because I thought I'd enjoy it, but oh man do I! It's all about self-discovery and then applying what you've learned about yourself into a business venture. I still have no idea what I want to do after graduation, but my professor posed a question last week that really stuck with me. His question: what is your passion? It sounds super cheesy, I know, but I took it seriously and the conclusion I came to really surprised me.

My passion is making people feel good and love themselves for who they are. 

I wouldn't consider myself a mean person, but I've never considered myself an overly nice person either. So where in the world did this "passion" of mine come from? I've thought about it for the past week and I've come to the conclusion that I want other people to love the journey they're on because I've started loving my own journey and it's amazing the liberation that comes with knowing who you are and being that person unapologetically. I want everyone to come to the realization that no, we're not perfect but we were never meant to be--and that's okay.He followed up that question with:

If you had one opportunity to make an impact what would it be? 

I've always had a great interest in other people's stories and experiences so when social media became a thing I was all over it. I have 2 blogs, 2 YouTube channels, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, a Facebook page, and the list probably goes on. Hundreds of people from around the world are following those accounts and I want to be a source of good--a source of positivity and love. There's too much negative floating around the internet and on social media, I don't need to be a part of that. So if I had the opportunity to make one impact I'd pick the opportunity I already have. I choose to  be a source of encouragement to all those who follow my accounts. And if I never gain another follower in my entire life...who cares? As long as I'm making one person's day a little brighter then it will all be worth it in the end.

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