Saturday, July 20, 2013

Welcome to My Crazy, Beautiful Life

Well, here goes nothing.

I have always been the type of girl who has found beauty in language. It really doesn't matter much how the words are delivered, but rather what the message delivered by those words is. I do not claim to be a poet, an inspiration, or even a good writer; but I hope that someday the words that I record here will evoke happiness and joy.

It is the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore years at the University of Arizona and with the territory of being a young woman of my age is the incessant need to question everything in my life. What classes should I take this year?  Do I believe in God? And if yes, how large a role does religion take in my life? What is my ultimate goal? Do I really want to be associated with that group of people or is it time to move on and discover new friends? And of course, the nightly battle of whether to keep scrolling Tumblr, browsing Netflix, and scouring YouTube or unplugging and actually having a shot at a decent night's sleep? But despite all of these questions that have been whirring through my mind lately I have discovered something extraordinary: I am happy.

Now, Johnny Depp has been one of my inspirations in life for several years. While yes, the man is drop dead sexy, unbelievably talented, and unapologetically, 100% strange, it is none of those qualities that struck my interest. Rather, one day while perusing the endless wonders of the interweb I stumbled across this quote:
There are four questions of value in life: What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.
And this, ladies and gentleman, is why I believe that despite not knowing any of the answers to the "big questions" in life I am able to say that I am wholly happy with the life that is mine. It is by no means perfect or even ideal, but no matter what challenges and negativity life throws at me I know three things:

1. Every storm runs out of rain.
2. I am blessed. I have a family who loves and supports me unconditionally. I have friends that I would not trade for the world. I have passions and talents that I pursue wholeheartedly. And I am beginning to discover that my Tri Delta sisters will always have my back.
3. Nothing else matters: only love.

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